kerouac.txt Kerouac: and - all - that - Jazz - One Off Productions venue :: Sweet ECA see links :: Sweet download category :: Theatre Reviewed date :: 22 08 08 Review: The house was almost full for this interesting, literary inspired show and had been running almost to capacity every night throughout the Fringe according to the stage crew. This was an opportunity to pay homage to the writings of Jack Kerouac who inspired the whole idea of alternative culture and expression across countless generations in multiple countries. Writer Barrie Wheatley does such a good job with this show, that any deviation from American accents that creeps into the Hull cast's rendition of the play, can be easily forgiven. The audience turn out gave a clear signal that sympathy for the presumed sentiments behind Jack Kerouac's writings are still alive, in this the fiftieth year since the publication of his best known work, 'On the Road.' The cast of Hull based 'One off Productions' do a great job in presenting the narrative behind Kerouac's writings from his life, both as young writer and his, 'reflective older Jack,' with both characters onstage throughout. The jazz music and dancing of the era that served as a backdrop for social and literary life, is used to punctuate the action and provide transitions between scenes. This is choreographed by Sarah Knowles in spontaneous and unselfconscious displays which avoid the risk of seeming 'corny' in any way. Added atmosphere comes from black and white projection, stage props of Kerouac book spines, period 50's design such as automobiles and ancient typewriters. Add ladies hairstyles, fashion and the production engenders complete assimilation with 1950's onwards culture for the duration of the show which kept an appreciative audience fully hooked. The style of the production is to flip between the energy and idealism of young Jack (Andy Feetom) the writer and older Jack (Chris Gruca) who is pretty much worn out, as he looks back on his younger self. Central to the story is Jack's relationship with his muse of the day, bisexual, bohemian and ne'er do well Neal Cassady (the Dean Moriarty of 'On the Road.') Also appearing onstage are Allen Ginsberg, the host of women intertwined throughout most of the lives of these characters and surprisingly Jack Kerouac's mum! The show has a steady, engaging pace and the scenes and anecdotes from the lives of all the characters are always interesting and entertaining. Their boho sex lives and relationships are always convoluted, fickle and slightly debauched. Jack is both attracted, fascinated and repelled by his friends at different times as their lives take different turns. Neal Cassady's life is a constant blowjob, loyalties shift, distractions come from literature, sex, booze, music, moving around, later TV, poetry and the drugs of the era. Kerouac's success bred imitators, pretension and launched the age of hipsters, poetry parties and literary posing, all in the wake of a disgusted and strung out younger Jack. Old Jack reflects that seeking justification for their lives in the philosophy of libertines and free thinkers may have appeal to the younger man, but that the lifestyle itself is ultimately as self defeating and futile as any other. Then again Jack Kerouac wrapped great literature around those moments in their lives when the music was cool, the girls were all hot and the guys were all great hanging out buddies. That last may be the reason why we are all watching the show and the reason behind the enduring, timeless and idealistic appeal of the original novel. 5 gold bats by John C Vassallo