titus.txt http://www.nightnews.net/fringe2008.htm#titus Titus Andronicus - Action to the Word venue :: C see links :: http://www.actiontotheword.co.uk/titus_home.html http://www.actiontotheword.co.uk/ http://uk.youtube.com/user/Action2theWord category :: Theatre Reviewed date :: 25 08 08 Review: As a suitably bloody and dark show on which to end the 2008 Fringe, Titus Andronicus would have been hard to beat. Action to the Word's production features the most minimalist black and white staging, perhaps to provide a better contrast with the blood, gore and general horrors for which the play is best known. The pace of the action tends to a gallop through the play and for this reason it demands a high degree of concentration if the audience is to keep up with and make sense of the text and well-populated plot. At first, the production succeeded in maintaining a real dramatic tension with the audience and they seemed truly horrified at the rape and graphic mutilation of Lavinia. There is a rock element injected into this production and the scene shortly after the violent assault on Lavinia where she is wheeled about in a shopping trolley to a 'Madness' track rates as one of the creepiest and most disturbing moments in the play. Though the violence and blood initially had a real 'Ew' factor, this aspect of the production seemed to go beyond to slapstick gore and eventually achieved an unreal 'Pythonesque' satirical, comedy quality. For instance the murder of the nurse by Aaron, the execution of the clown by the Emperor and the bloody slaughter of Chiron and Demetrius all managed to get laughs from the audience! The early dramatic tension of the most shocking moments of the play was in the end lost by some of the more unlikely moments. This included the portrayal of the Goths as latter day goths and at some points spontaneous peals of laughter from a few in the audience to some unintended aspects of the action! Certainly the cast galloping on from every direction in the auditorium was at times a distraction from the action onstage. By the time the play arrived at its bloody climax, the overall feeling amongst we onlookers as the bodies piled up was one of divorced unreality. This was probably not helped by Tamora ending the last scene of the play dead and face down in the pie containing bits of Chiron and Demetrius! This tableau rather undermined the final moments of Lavinia, Titus and Saturninus which followed; though it’s hard to say if any humour in this was intentional. Overall the play had enough positive qualities in its rather elegant staging, visual impact, terrifying dramatic touches and evocative performances for the company to be taken completely seriously. Helen Duff as Tamora Queen of the Goths, David Monteith as Aaron and Rebecca Pitt as Lavinia all contribute some very creditable, visceral performances. 'Action to the Word,' are said to provide 'Shakespeare for the iPod generation.' They also 'accept actors from a range of special needs backgrounds' and do some fine work with schools. With a special mission to ensure that the works of Shakespeare will continue to be accessible to a wider audience, they certainly achieve just that with this amazing, jaw dropping, production. 3 gold bats by John C Vassallo